I thought I would post an update on how the barn conversions were getting on, seeing as this will be are main source of income in the future!
The Cottage was in fact the original farmhouse, but the owners built the new one next door and left the old one derelict. Paul had made a start on this building before we arrived and it has come on leaps and bounds. It is going to be a single bedroom cottage with large downstairs and a balconied mezzanine bedroom with spiral stairs and ensuite. I have taken it on to build the staircase once the final floor height is laid.
There is a large separate kitchen on the back looking out onto the garden and a wood burning stove in the lounge. The plasterers should be coming this week then it's over to us to install the bathrooms and kitchen, lay the flooring, do the decorating, install the light fittings, and landscape outside....piece of cake!