Monday, 12 October 2015

Working with wood

To whittle. To trim, carve, slice off pieces from wood with a knife. The dictionary definition ends there. It doesn't go on to say "to create ...". Accordingly, there doesn't have to be a defined end product for the act of whittling to have taken place. Therefore, it is safe for me to say that David has been whittling.

David has often threatened to whittle, but up until now he has, to my knowledge, never actually whittled. Unless of course he has some secret whittling past of which I know nothing. But on present evidence I think we can assume he is new to whittling. For behold, here is his first spoon!

Not a bad first effort, don't you think? I'm sure you'll be even more impressed when I tell you that the first few stages of the spoon's creation were done without the aid of specialist whittling tools. It used to look like this.

I asked for a spoon with which to scoop bath salts. I got a spoon. What more could I ask for.

For his second whittling project, David has elected to create a set of salad servers to use with his new pottery bowl. He has "gone large" for this one. So far all I can share with you is the work in progress of one half of the set.


It has an interesting curve. In fact it has two interesting curves in two different directions. Apparently, David "lets the wood dictate the shape". You can't argue with a craftsman.

There has been a lull in whittling of late. I feared that mild ridicule from some quarters might have dampened the initial whittling enthusiasm. David says not. Apparently, whittling is a winter evening activity. Again, you can't argue with a craftsman. 

I'm expecting all Christmas presents from David this year to be whittled. Better be careful what you put on the wish list.