Hurrah, what a good day we had today. We reached another milestone today by sowing our first seeds in the all new exterior raised beds.
The timber turned up last night, cash in hand, say no more, wink wink, nudge nudge (that does go on a lot here :-) Dad and I built 9 beds following Philippa's detailed diagram to the letter. We are going to be doing a six bed rotation system for all you keen gardeners out there, with three permanent beds for rhubarb, asparagus and strawberrys. We've never done anything on this scale before, so this is all coming from Phil's research, but it does make sense. We are trying to over produce certain crops so we can sell the excess to our captive audience in the holiday cottages.
Once we had completed the first bed mum took on the laborious task of de-stoning the topsoil (there are a lot of stones, I think I may have mentioned that before....and I will again!)
She then planted three rows of broad beans and two of peas, yum scrum bum.
In the afternoon the folks rocked up with some rhubarb plants which we planted in a heavily manured bed (triple yum scrum bum).
After that it was time to pack up and I had a great sense of achievement, I mean glass of wine..
Great progress on all fronts. I'm impressed!! Would come & see you bthis weekend en route to Scotland but it's a bit of a detour.Keep up the good work.
Those raised beds look good - how are you going to get the tractor on to them ?
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