Well after Phil's return to the blog, it's back to the world of "less creative writing with poor grammar".
I returned back to Banceithin on Monday after going for an emergency appointment at the dentists. I have these bizarre wisdom teeth on my lower jaw that are dormant but are actually pointing at right angles to all my other teeth. I had an absess on one of them, but due to the nature of the little blighters, the dentist could do nothing with them and just prescribed my some antibiotics. If I want them out it's a hospital job apparently!!
So after that, I picked up some tiles and then went for my usual trip to the Cardiff Ikea to pick up some more stuff. As usual it was a painful experience but a necessary evil. This mean't I only got back late on the Monday so was unable to crack on with anything.
The following day I started to tile the red kitchen in the barn. I find tiling very satisfying and I've just got to do the grouting tomorrow. As it was a lovely day I treated myself to a spin in Triny to cut the grass and I think I will pop up the veg patch now for some yummy strawberries for pud, Mmmmmmm starwberries.
Whoops, nearly forgot.....
The "Big Clinker" Tile cutter, a real man's tool :-)
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