Saturday, 15 May 2010

Countdown to the World Cup

Well Philippa and I until recently have been counting down to our opening day on the 29th May when we have guests in both cottages. Philippa is still focused on this date and is busying herself with doing baking tests of Bara Brith (Welsh tea loaf!) and cheese straws, which will be the star components of the welcome hamper. I on the other hand find myself thinking ahead to the upcoming football World Cup. In our new frugal lifestyle, alcohol seems to be the biggest luxury expense…..funny that! So armed with a 40 pint fermenting bin from my folks, a pressurised beer barrel from Jim our old neighbour in Berkshire, and a Norfolk Wherry best bitter kit from Phil’s parents, I set about brewing our first beer.


Bertha as usual provided the perfect environment for brewing keeping a constant 20 deg in the boiler room.

Predicted timescales

  • Fermentation started on Friday 14th May
  • Fermentation due to finish on the 16th.
  • Transfer into barrel and leave for 2 days (18th)
  • Leave in a cool place for 14 days (1st of June)
  • It is drinkable then but apparently if you can leave it for 2 more weeks it’s even better (15th June)
  • 16th June England Vs USA  (5 pints)
  • 18th June England Vs Algeria (5 pints)
  • 23rd June Slovenia Vs England (5 pints)
  • 26th June Round of 16 (5 pints)
  • 2nd July quarter final (5 pints)
  • 6th July semi final (6 pints)
  • 11th July FINAL (8 pints)
  • Total pints 39 pints
  • pints left, one, for a quiet drink the day after……….

Back to the project………

We’re getting prepared for the resurfacing of the drive and parking areas, Rhydian the local quarry man has delivered 2 of the expected 10 loads of scalpings in preparation for the big day on the 20th May.


I’ve hired a vibrating compacting roller to go over the whole yard once we’ve spread the loads out.

We’ve also finished the bike and boot cleaning area, as well as Phil’s dinky ‘market stall’ shed to load up with goodies to tempt our guests.


We’re also doing test runs of the homemade pie’s we are supplying to our guests. Current front runners are Dave’s Bhuna, Mushroom Madness, Classic Cottage and Tarragon Chicken.

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