Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Pigs learn new tricks

Well the girls are coming on at a terrific rate. It already smarts a bit when they happen to tread on your wellies with their dainty trotters. They have learnt a variety of new skills, the main one being gardening. They love rooting about and have turned their pen into a piggy paradise. It took them a while to get to grips with this skill, mainly as the ground was so hard. But after some rain and nearly doubling in size in 5 weeks, they have managed to turn the entire pen in under a week!

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They are having a whale of a time, and I spotted them yesterday chasing a dumb pheasant hen who was trying to steal their food, she just kept running around the pen hotly pursued by the girls, barking like dogs along with the ubiquitous squealing!

The next skill is circus tricks. They love clambering up on a fellow pig and run around like this across the pen, it’s not quite Cirque du Soleil, a bit more like Benny Hill…..but funnier!


The last skill, and perhaps the most impressive, is the difficult art of ‘synchronized scoffing’. After fighting my way to the trough to feed them, they quickly find the best way that each of them can get their piggy little trotters, into the piggy trough, to scoff as many of the piggy nuts into their piggy faces. This amusingly manifests itself as an orderly line, but looks can be deceiving!




From left to right, Alice, Harriet, Ali and Davina (I think….)

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